Positive and ambitious
Adapt to every child
Méthodologies et outils
de compensation
Leverage proven methods
We strongly believe in the potentials of every child.
It is the school's responsibility to identify the right tools, the right pace and the right mediation that will benefit the child: to create meaning and joy in learning.
In a caring environment, because the child can only develop their full potential if they feel safe, supported and loved, for who they are.
It is not for the child to fit into the system, but for adults to adapt to him.
Our team always starts from what the child already knows and what interests him, to build in small increments of difficulty, and in a logic of success, their progress.
Les élèves acquièrent une autonomie par un travail sur la métacognition et l’adoption d’outils de compensation. Ceux -ci leur permettent de réintégrer une école ordinaire ou de poursuivre une formation professionnelle quand cela est possible.
Les outils informatiques permettent par exemple de compenser les difficultés en lecture ou en écriture, évitant aux élèves les situations de double tâche. Des outils qui rendent aussi possible l'accès aux apprentissages culturels et scientifiques en dépassant le prérequis habituel de la lecture.
D’autres outils, enfin, aident les élèves à dépasser leurs difficultés attentionnelles (casque anti-bruit, timer, emploi du temps visuel…).
Our methods are based on tools that have proven their worth with thousands of students abroad and on collaborations with leading specialized schools.

Integrated academic and therapeutic support
Therapists and teachers work hand in hand to have a global vision of the child's needs.
With a therapeutic team present at the school, the care that takes place on site, during the school day or at the end of the day and a complete link ensured with the external care if necessary (recommendation of professionals for a follow-up outside the school, and link between the school team and those chosen by the parents outside, in order to ensure consistency).
Evaluate and monitor children's progress
Based on the assessments (neuro-psychological, sensory-motor), an individualized program for each child is designed, with adapted objectives, methods and rhythms.
Therapists, teachers and assistants monitor the child's progress throughout the year, measure the children's progress, and tailor the program.
Communication with parents is therefore also a key dimension of our educational project.


Motor and Sensory
Literacy and numeracy
General culture
We are convinced that sensorimotor foundations are the foundation of learning. Understanding the sensory and bodily needs of the child, integrating them into the school day and respecting the child's learning rhythm make it possible to accelerate the capacities of concentration, comprehension and memorization, as well as to progress in the graphics, reading, communication, reasoning skills, emotional regulation….
The class begins with a time for motor skills, a sensorimotor room available to children according to their needs during the morning, another time for motor skills at lunchtime and activities such as art therapy allowing the both fine motor skills and expression.
Reading, writing and counting are the basis of all learning skills and key to future independence and broad knowledge.
A rich toolbox of multi-sensory methods will allow teachers to offer maximum resources to support children according to their specificities.
Cognitive mediation also allows children to learn to learn and will be used by the entire teaching team.
News, science, history, philosophy… also concern and interest atypical children.
These are all themes to stimulate the development of their cognitive functions, to create discussion groups to express their ideas, to make them more autonomous but also more socially connected ...